Occupational Therapy


At The LightHouse, we provide Occupational Therapy services to support children, adolescents and adults develop the necessary skills to live, learn, work and play, promoting independence and quality of life.  For a child this may include the development of daily living skills such as learning at school, interactingand playing with peers, engaging in self-care tasks, and fulfilling their role as a family member.

Our Occupational Therapy department works in collaboration with families, schools, and organisations in providing high quality, evidence-based practice acrossvarious settings includingin-center, in-schools, community environments and through telemedicine services.

In schools, our Occupational Therapists use their expertise in activity analysis to support students gain access to both curricular and extracurricular activities such as social skills, behaviour management, reading and writing (i.e., literacy), sports participation, independence/self-help, vocational and transitioningskills, and much more.

In the centre, our Occupational Therapy room is purpose built to enhance the development of motor, sensory and cognitive skills, inclusive of indoor equipment such as soft play areas, therapy sings, climbing walls, trampolines and a variety of other equipment and tools.

Our garden and play area enhances creativity, exploration and social skills using the sensory advantages of outdoor play to support children integrate their senses in the most natural of ways.

By utilizing the latest methods and research, we design evaluations and therapy sessions to meet the individual needs of each child and family.

Services we provide: We provide Occupational Therapy screenings, assessments, 1:1 sessions, group programs, training programs and school-based services.

Screenings: A brief observation (approx. 30-minute) to review an individual’s motor, sensory and cognitive skills to determine the need for further evaluation and intervention. Screenings can be done on site at our center or at the individuals school/community environment.

Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Assessment: An in-depth assessment of an individual’s motor, sensory and cognitive skills.

Occupational Therapy Intervention: 1:1 and group sessions available for children, adolescents and adults.

Skills and diagnoses supported:

  • Fine Motor/Gross Motor difficulties
  • Eye-Hand coordination difficulties
  • Coordination difficulties
  • Decreased strength or range of motion
  • Self-care delays
  • Social difficulties
  • Visual Motor delays
  • Visual Perceptual delays
  • Handwriting difficulties
  • Sensory processing difficulties
  • Behavioural Support
  • Attention difficulties
  • Executive Functioning difficulties
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Developmental Delays
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Vocational and Transition Support


  • Individual therapy
  • Group intervention sessions
  • Parent/Teacher training
  • Telemedicine
  • Play-based intervention services
  • Child-led and clinician-directed therapy approaches
  • Sensory Integration Approaches
  • Applied Behavior Analysis Approaches
  • Social Skills Programs
  • Self-Regulation Programs
  • Vocational and Transitioning Programs

Our therapists