About Us

Our Story

The LightHouse is a community mental health and wellness clinic providing quality psychological and psychiatric care to children, adults, couples and families.

Located in central Dubai, The LightHouse brings together an international team of licensed psychologists and psychiatrists offering a range of treatments. The LightHouse is also home to the Raymee Grief Centre, which provides free grief support services to anyone living in the UAE. Our modern, friendly clinic is an ideal setting where you’ll feel safe and confident to explore your mental health and emotional issues.

Licensed by the Dubai Health Authority, The LightHouse was founded in 2011 by clinical psychologists Dr. Saliha Afridi and Dr. Tara Wyne, whose shared mission and vision is to make the region happier and healthier.

Vision, Mission & Values


To be the guiding light in transformational journeys towards healing and well being.


To lead the way in pro mot ing the well being of the Middle East through our accessible, quality mental health and grief su pport services across the age range, informed by research and committ ed to a culture of care.

Our Values

These are the core ideals and beliefs that embody our true spirit and shape our culture.


We uphold the highest ethical values and principles in everything we do.


We respect the cultures, beliefs, issues and preferences of our clients and their families, our employees, and our partners in the community.


We deliver the highest quality standards – in both the treatments we offer and the experiences we provide.


Our support services and educational opportunities are designed to serve the community and make a positive difference to the lives of everyone we work with.

"Guiding you and walking beside you on your journey towards wellbeing and recovery."

Contact us

Our specialists are ready to help you

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